Board of Supervisors Meetings to be Offered Online Only

The COVID-19 surge prompted the Lake County Board of Supervisors to close it chambers to the public during meetings. The board will continue to provide online public access and will review the decision on a weekly basis. Back in November, the Board of Supervisors hybrid board meetings were recognized by the California State Association of … Read more

Line Cleaning Starts in Middletown Monday

Lake County Special Districts will be conducting a physical inspection and line cleaning of the wastewater collection system between Napa Avenue and Sacramento Avenue beginning Monday for a period of approximately 4 weeks. Some residents and businesses may notice bubbling water or noise from open toilets and drains during the line cleaning activities.

ICU Capacity for Northern Region at 25.4%

ICU capacity for California’s Northern region as of yesterday is 25.4%. Lake County currently has 12 people hospitalized. The number of active cases dropped by 18 to 207, and the number of recovered cases increased by 44 to 1,823. Mendocino County added 50 new COVID-19 cases yesterday, with 300 people currently under isolation. Mendocino County … Read more

Governor Proposes Stimulus Checks for Low Income Households

Low-income Californians could get a $600 check from the state. Under a new budget proposal from Governor Gavin Newsom, the money would go to people who make less than $30,000 a year. It also includes immigrants living in the country illegally who file state taxes. Newsom says he hopes to act early on his proposal, … Read more

CA Leaders Denounce Violence at U.S. Capitol

California’s leaders denounced events in the nation’s capitol yesterday when rioters supporting President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol. Congressman John Garamendi called it a blatant attack on American democracy. Congressman Mike Thompson said it was a very sad day for democracy. State Senator Mike McGuire said all Americans should be horrified and angered by … Read more

Hospitalizations Hold Steady in Northern Region

Hospitalizations in the region are holding steady. Lake County added 1 new patient yesterday for a total of 17. Mendocino County added 1 new patient for a total of 14, with 1 person in ICU. As of last update, ICU capacity in the state’s Northern Region is at 30-percent.

Homeless Resource Center in Ukiah Out of Quarantine

Redwood Community Services Building Bridges Homeless Resource Center in Ukiah is out of quarantine following a COVID-19 outbreak. The center worked with Mendocino County Public Health and now reports the 11 guests who tested positive last month have exited their isolation period. No one who contracted the virus required hospitalization. On Monday, seven staff members … Read more

Congressman Huffman Calls for Impreachment of President

When supporters of President Trump breached the U.S. Capitol yesterday, Congressman Jared Huffman sheltered in place. He blames the President for egging on the riot that occurred is now calling on Vice President Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove the President. Huffman said he will work to fast-track impeachment.

Proclamation Issued to Commend Rob Brown for Years of Service to Lake County

Five-term Lake County Board of Supervisor Rob Brown said farewell at his final meeting. Congressman Mike Thompson, State Senator Mike McGuire, Sheriff Brian Martin and County Auditor-Controller, Cathy Saderlund, were among those that recognized the diverse and meaningful contributions made by Brown over 20 years in office during yesterday’s meeting. A proclamation was also issued … Read more

New Mendocino County Supervisors Sworn-In

Mendocino County’s 2 new supervisors are officially on the job. First District Supervisor Glenn McGourty, and Second District Supervisor Maureen “Mo” Mulheren, were sworn Monday by Chief Executive Officer Carmel Angelo. Mulheren’s election to the County Board of Supervisors leaves a vacancy on the Ukiah City Council and the deadline to apply to fill that … Read more