Lake County has Vaccine Surplus

Lake County health officials say the county currently has a vaccine surplus and is urging residents to get vaccinated. According to recent numbers, about 40% of the county’s population is at least partially vaccinated. As of Friday, all Californians age 16+ can schedule appointments at Also on Friday, the state issued new Guidance. that … Read more

Mendocino County Vaccine Supplies Holding Steady

While use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is currently paused, Mendocino County Health Officer Dr. Andy Coren said it should not significantly affect local supplies. He said the new shipments of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are holding steady. Dr. Coren also said there have been 18 positive COVID-19 tests in people who have been … Read more

City of Lakeport Recognized for its Budget

The City of Lakeport received recognition for its Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) this month. The City received the CSMFO Operating Budget Excellence award for implementing the highest standards and best practices in public sector budgeting. CSMFO bestows their budget award on California municipalities that achieve the … Read more

BOS Hearing of Cannabis Cultivation and Cannabis Facilities Ordinances Monday

At the Special Meeting of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors on Monday, April 19th, Cannabis Cultivation and Cannabis Facilities Ordinances will be considered. Due to the high level of public interest on these matters, there may be more people wishing to speak than there may be time available, therefore written comment is encouraged. See … Read more

CPUC Places PG&E into Enhanced Oversight Process

The California Public Utilities Commission yesterday placed PG&E into the first step of an enhanced oversight and enforcement process based on the company’s failure to sufficiently prioritize clearing vegetation on its highest-risk power lines as part of its wildfire mitigation work in 2020. PG&E is ordered to make corrective actions to ensure it improves its … Read more

Library Park Restroom Closures

All of the public restrooms at Library Park and the nearby boat ramps will now be closed and locked at midnight each night, then opened to the public each morning. The Lakeport Public Works Department staff has been dealing with an increase in maintenance and upkeep at those restrooms. The City has also received complaints … Read more