Pause on Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Lifted in CA

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention formally lifted its pause on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine after a panel on Friday recommended resuming its use, despite a very rare risk of blood clots. The panel said Friday that the vaccine’s benefits outweigh the serious but small risk. The Western States Scientific Safety Review … Read more

CALFIRE MEU Aircraft Training

Cal Fire’s Mendocino Unit will be conducting basic helicopter operations and safety and air rescue training starting today through August 1st. The aircraft training will primarily be in the Lake Mendocino, Ukiah Valley and Ridgewood Ranch (Golden Rule) areas, at various days and times of the day.

Corrections Deputy Recovering After Fentanyl Exposure

A Mendocino County Corrections Deputy was exposed to suspected fentanyl on Friday. According to MCSO, 24-year-old Dakota Johnson, of Willits was booked into the jail for several warrants in addition to several charges including Possession of a Controlled Substance. A female Corrections Deputy exchanged Johnson’s personal clothing for jail-issued clothing. While doing so, suspected drugs … Read more

Turnout Fire 100% Contained

The Turnout Fire in Mendocino County was fully contained on Saturday. The cause of the 200-acre fire that started at Highway 253 and Boonville Rd, is under investigation.

Outdoor Summer Events May Hpapen This Year in Lakeport

Summer events may be making a comeback in 2021. This week te Lakeport City Council approved the processing of summer event applications, including the 4th of July event at Library Park. The Lakeport City has been working with Lake County Public Health Department and health officials believe that outdoor community events can be conducted safely … Read more

Lakeport Community Cleanup Day Saturday

The City of Lakeport’s Community Cleanup Day is tomorrow. This event is limited to City of Lakeport residents and those dropping off trash and waste, will be required to provide photo identification and a copy of a City of Lakeport utility bill. It will take place tomorrow between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the … Read more

Lakeport Police Department to Participate in DEA Drug Take Back Day

The Lakeport Police Department will once again participate in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s 20th annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. The event allows residents to safely dispose of expired, unwanted, and unused prescription medications. The local event will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow as a drive-thru drop-off on the west … Read more

Update on Dos and Turnout Fires

The 9-acre #DosFire started just after 6 yesterday evening in Northern Mendocino County, east of Laytonville off Laytonville Dos Rios Road. That fire is moving at a slow rate of spread in leaf litter. The Turnout Fire at Highway 253 and Boonville Rd is holding at 200 acres with containment at 65-percent. Firefighters aggressively utilized … Read more

Man in Nice Who Shot is Wife Also Dies from Gushot Wound

The man who is believed to have fatally shot his wife before turning the gun on himself, has died from his wounds. Police responded to the home in Nice after 60-year-old Kenneth Dwaine Lovelady called dispatch to say he’d shot his wife and was gonig to also kill himself. Police arrived to find 56-year-old Laura … Read more