Bodies Found in Double Missing Person’s Case in Willits

An update on a double missing person’s case in Willits. The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office reports that two deceased bodies have been recovered at the investigation scene and 1 arrest has been made. Christopher Wayne Gamble is currently being held at the Mendocino County Jail on a No Bail status. Sheriff’s Detectives are continuing this … Read more

Lake Ciounty Fair On for September

The Lake County Fair, which was cancelled last year, will happen this year. The fair board voted this week to hold it again in September. The fair dates will be Thursday, Sept. 2, through Sunday, Sept. 5, and planning for the event will start next month. The fair will likely be smaller, and concessions and … Read more

Covelo Man Sentenced in Arson Attack

A Covelo man has been sentenced in an arson attack. The Mendocino County District Attorney’s Office reports that 31-year-old Derek Steven McCormack, was convicted by plea in August of last year of having committed arson of an inhabited residence – the home of a Potter Valley family. The Judge denied McCormack’s bid for a sentence … Read more

Ukiah Firefighters Rescue Dog

Ukiah Firefighters were able to save a small dog from a house fire yesterday. They found the dog lying in a bedroom in the home in the 700 block of Walnut Avenue. Fire personnel took the dog outside and revived it with oxygen.

CA Losing a House Seat

The Census Bureau released the first 2020 Census results, which included the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives. California will be losing a congressional seat for the first time, dropping its delegation from 53 to 52 members. The census data shows a 6.1 percent change in population over … Read more

Changes in COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Coming to Lake County

Changes in COVID-19 vaccine delivery are coming in Lake County. Public Health Officer Dr. Gary Pace says the large drive-thru sites will be discontinued in the coming weeks, but vaccine will still be available at Sutter and Adventist’s clinics, and some pharmacies. Starting the week of May 3, OptumServe’s sites in Lakeport and Lower Lake … Read more

Missing Persons Investigation – Suspicious Circumstances

The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office has been investigating a suspicious double missing person’s case associated with a marijuana/cannabis growing operation in the 20000 block of Timber Road in Willits. Sheriff’s Office personnel have been at the location since Sunday and are expected to be in the area for several days in connection with the active … Read more

Governor Officially Faces Recall

Governor Gavin Newsom officially faces recall after organizers of the recall effort collected enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. The California secretary of state’s office announced Monday that more than 1.6 million signatures had been verified, about 100,000 more than needed to force a vote. An election is likely in the fall where … Read more