Lake County Burn Ban Still In Effect

The annual Lake County burn ban for 2024 is still in effect. CalFire has lifted its burn permit suspension, however, Lake County is still in peak fire season. General open burning is not permitted during the ban unless a limited exemption has been granted. The burn ban in Lake County will remain in effect until … Read more

South Main Street Paving Project Moves Forward

The South Main Street paving project is well underway in Lakeport. The project covers an area from First Street to Lakeport Boulevard, where the roadway will be resurfaced and pedestrian enhancements will be installed. The project is expected to be finished by the end of the year. City officials say the paving project aims to … Read more

Inmate in Mendocino County Jail Dies

An inmate found unresponsive in a holding cell in the Mendocino County Jail has died at a Ukiah hospital. Late Tuesday night during a routine check, a deputy became concerned about one of two men in a holding cell. Deputies entered the cell and found the man to be unresponsive, not breathing but still with … Read more

Mendocino Man Arrested for Domestic Violence, Weapons

A Mendocino man was arrested after a standoff with law enforcement. Riordan W. Willhelmi, 41, reportedly attacked and threatened his ex-girlfriend with a firearm last Thursday. He then barricaded himself in a residence in the 12K block of Alderwood Road. The Mendocino County Sheriff’s SWAT team was called in and Willhelmi responded to instructions and … Read more

Mendocino National Forest Lifts Fire Restriction Tonight At Midnight

The Mendocino National Forest will lift fire restrictions tonight at midnight. Forest visitors with a valid California campfire permit may have open campfires or campstoves outside of designated campgrounds.  California campfire permits are available online at Visitors can check the latest alerts, orders, and recreation information at

Early Voting Big in Lake County

Early voting is well underway in the state and with just a week to go til the election, 5,790 of 38,391 vote-by-mail ballots have been sent in. According to TheLakeCountyNews, that’s a 15% early return thus far. Democrats are leading Republicans with a 47% to 35% return rate, with other parties accounting for 20%. This … Read more

Fort Bragg Traffic Stop Turns into Drug Bust

Last week, a Fort Bragg police officer conducting a traffic stop on N. Main Street noticed the driver of the vehicle was acting suspiciously. Elmer Vichi, 65, of Fort Bragg was trying to conceal a small bag of methamphetamine under his seat. Vichi was ordered to exit the vehicle, refused, and was removed after a … Read more

CalFire to Continue Prescribed Burns in Hopland

CalFire will continue prescribed burns at the University of California Hopland Research and Extension Center. Two burns of 60 acres each are planned and may continue through Friday. HREC staff has been calling neighbors to let them know about the burns.

Ukiah Man Convicted of Multiple Counts of Vandalism

A Ukiah man has been convicted of several counts of vandalism. Jesus Anthony Herrera, 41, was convicted of three felony counts of vandalism and a misdemeanor count of aggravated trespass in March of 2024 and 2024. His next court date is set for Thursday, the 31st.