Hearings to determine whether the criminal case against embattled Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison and former County Payroll Manager Paula June ‘P.J.’ Kennedy continue today in Mendocino County Superior Court. Yesterday, according to TheAndersonValleyAdvertiser, Judge Ann Moorman’s court learned that the chief investigator for DA David Eyster had turned over evidence that extra pay for Kennedy designated by a “mysterious” 470 county payroll code had been included in payroll reports that were as a matter of course distributed to key county administrators, including County CEO Darci Antle, her staff and the County’s human resources manager, Cherie Johnson, who’d testified she didn’t know what the 470 code was. The disclosure of the information caused a serious change in the focus of the hearing and prompted Judge Ann Moorman to remark that “will ignorance” would not be tolerated in her court.