Lake County Board of Supers Meets Tomorrow, Will Finalize District Re-Draw and Discuss Masking of High School Athletes

The Lake County Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting tomorrow morning at 9am in the board chambers at the courthouse to finalize the new supervisisoral districts and discuss a draft ordinance amending the Lake County Code to establish the new boundaries of the supervisorial districts for the county, pursuant to state election code.

The Board of Supervisors will also consider a letter to the California Department of Public Health about indoor basketball facial covering rules for youth sports. Chair Bruno Sabatier is asking for support after schools have determined that it could be unsafe for kids to wear masks throughout the length of a game while undergoing prolonged physical exertion. It also points out that CDPH has already approved allowing college athletes to play without facial covering. The letter will request a change in the mandate allowing players and referees to play unmasked and to test twice a week to monitor the spread of COVID-19.

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